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Ask Us About Free Lead Pipe Replacements

As of October 1, 2024, Von Drain & Contracting LLC is a FY25 approved contractor for the

District’s Lead Pipe Replacement Assistance Program (LPRAP). The program is a partnership

between DC Water and the District Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) to help

homeowners who have lead or galvanized iron service lines on their property receive

service line replacements. The best part? The program is currently offering to cover the cost of

replacements for all eligible homes, so it’s free!
Replacing lead or galvanized iron service lines is important to your health because it helps

remove sources of lead from your drinking water. If you have a lead or galvanized iron

service line, the lead material in these types of pipes can dissolve into your drinking water when

the water sits in these pipes unused for several hours. The exposure can lead to serious health issues

that impact the brain and other organs. Young children are most vulnerable to lead’s effects.


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It’s easy to get started!


  • First, check the DC Water Lead Inventory Map. you are eligible, the property description will include a link that says “DOEE LPRAP Application” at the top.

  • Next, start the application.

  • If you have questions or need help, contact DOEE’s LPRAP Assistance team at or 311. 

(202) 971-2971

Professional Licenses

 WSSC Master Plumber P-80797

DC Master Plumber PLM40000041
DC Home Improvement 420221000093

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